On April 7th, CHA presented a new online event in partnership with University College Cork staff to help showcase a new e-learning tool, www.act4eco.com, which is designed to help anyone who wants to reduce and become more efficient with their energy use. CHA is recommending the website to all its tenants and partners, and plans to appoint a small number of volunteer Energy Ambassadors to work directly with tenants to help them find practical information about improving their energy efficiency. You can find a recording of the presentation here and on our Facebook and YouTube.
CHA is also working in partnership with Cork City Council on the Interreg North West Europe funded RED WoLF project, which aims to install low-carbon electric heating systems in a number of our homes by the end of 2021. Find out more here: https://www.nweurope.eu/projects/project-search/red-wolf-rethink-electricity-distribution-without-load-following/
Cork City Council is also a partner on the INTENSIFY project, also funded by Interreg, which innovatively addresses a key challenge for European cities and regions: how to energise citizens and communities to achieve more carbon reduction. To find out more about the INTENSIFY project, visit their website, www.interregeurope.eu/intensify, and download their latest newsletter here.
For more information on any of these initiatives or to volunteer as an Energy Ambassador, email redwolf@carberyhousing.eu.